如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2020年6月30日

Cybersecurity: The Benefits of Organizational Maturity

Show Contributors: 迈克尔•摩根, 苏珊•霍华德, Paul Thies


您真正了解您的数据的潜在暴露程度吗? Do you know where the dangers come from? If you’re a large organization, you’re a lucrative target for cyber criminals, as well as at 风险 for regulatory fines and class action lawsuits. 你能做什么?? In this episode of 如果/当 we will be discussing cybersecurity with 迈克尔•摩根McDermott Will律师事务所全球隐私和网络安全业务合伙人 & 金刚砂, 苏珊•霍华德雅各布斯公司联邦工业控制系统(ICS)网络安全总监.

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迈克尔•摩根 is recognized as one of America’s leading lawyers in cybersecurity. 他曾指导客户处理过一些规模最大、最复杂的数据泄露事件,涉及全球100多个国家的5000多万条记录和事件. He counsels clients on compliance with U.S. 以及有关网络安全和数据隐私的国际法规, 包括遵守欧盟的《首页》和中国的《正规博彩十大网站排名》.

苏珊•霍华德她在雅各布斯公司的职责包括为交通运输提供网络安全咨询, 公用事业公司, 和美国.S .Department of 国防 with a focus on governance, 风险, 和遵从性, 风险评估, vulnerability assessments and design oversight. Susan has a multidisciplinary skillset in cybersecurity compliance, 安全网络设计, 软件工程, industrial control systems, 技术管理, product development and telecommunications, with global experience in China, 台湾, 欧洲, 以色列, India and South America.